Dating Counselling and Coaching

It’s a misconception that only overly sentimental romantics dream of finding “the one”. There is a reason romantic comedies do so well at the box office and Valentine’s Day is still a big deal despite being overly commercialised.

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Navigating the dating game: con-fident or con-artist?

Life would be so much simpler if we could sort the genuine prospects from the ones who have no interest in investing in anything real. But besides eliminating a few non-starters along the way, would it not be more helpful to not attract them in the first place?

Pandemic life is not conducive to dating and strict lockdown rules have caused us all to become very comfortable wearing loungewear all day. Not leaving the house unless we run out of milk for our coffee. Add to this the demands of a high-profile job and, perhaps, children from a previous relationship, and the time available to weed out the less-than-optimal contestants becomes very limited.

You seem ready for something authentic

It’s a misconception that only overly sentimental romantics dream of finding “the one”. There is a reason romantic comedies do so well at the box office and Valentine’s Day is still a big deal despite being overly commercialised.

Romance means very different things to different people. Sure, some people are actually looking for “candle lit dinners” and “long walks on the beach”. But most people just want to find someone who sees them. Really sees them. Someone they can be their authentic selves with, without having to play games to keep their attention.

Put the best version of yourself out there

Right now, you have a wonderful opportunity to explore who you are, with the help of a dedicated coach. Find out where you have blind spots or emotional triggers. Work on them in a safe environment and approach your dating life as a more mindful, healed individual.

Get your ducks in a row

You prepare for meetings so you can participate better, but also so you can look good. You go shopping with a grocery list so you don’t forget anything, but also so you can be sure you get everything you need. Why not approach your dating journey with the same attention to detail?

Let us help you. Everything you need from individual or group coaching sessions to help with setting up (or revamping) your profile. A magnetic bio complete with photos that show off your authentic, beautiful self.

Let us help you find your epic love story.

Sign up in the month of March for the “What dreams may come” monthly membership and join the first masterclass free!