The goal of sex addiction treatment is not abstinence from sex, but the elimination of the compulsive, self-destructive aspects to create the opportunity to develop positive, vibrant and satisfying sexual relationships that reflect real emotional intimacy and connection.
Leigh was the partner of a sex addict for 10 years and a specialist in the area of addiction counselling.
The following are key elements that may indicate the presence of a sexual addiction requiring therapy and help from a professional:
Sex addiction affects millions of people, young and old, male and female. So you are not alone. Most importantly, having sex addiction doesn’t mean you are bad or perverted or hopeless. It means you have a disease – a treatable disease from which many have healed through a proper counselling. The goal of sex addiction treatment is not abstinence from sex, but the elimination of the compulsive, self-destructive aspects to create the opportunity to develop positive, vibrant and satisfying sexual relationships that reflect real emotional intimacy and connection.
I offer an empathic treatment of sex addiction and its effects on individuals, spouses/partners, couples, and families. The goal of treatment with me is rebuilding lives and relationships lost to sex addiction. Many problematic, out-of-control sexual behaviours are rightly classified as an addictive disorder.
As such, I follow the addiction treatment model that was originally formulated for the treatment of alcoholism and chemical dependency, which treats the addiction as the primary disorder rather than a symptom of an underlying condition. My work is influenced by Patrick Carnes and Paula Hall.
Sex addiction treatment is primarily individual therapy I also offer individual and group therapy for the spouses/partners of addicts. I offer in person counselling in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. I am available online via Skype or Google hangouts or any other format for those around the world. Secrets keep us sick. Your secrets are safe with me. Sharing them with me will help to heal you and create an authentic, integrated whole person with a zest for life. No more hiding in the dark behind a computer screen flashing pornographic images.
Book a session either online or in person where I will ask you a number of questions to assess whether you are on the spectrum of sex and porn addiction, codependency, love addiction or the partner of a sex addict.
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