Knowing we are different and accepting that someone else has differing opinions from our own and agreeing to disagree, whilst respecting each other is a wonderfully emotionally intelligent quality to have.
We live in a world where having compassion and kindness towards each other is vitally important to create healthy work and home environments.
Knowing we are different and accepting that someone else has differing opinions from our own and agreeing to disagree, whilst respecting each other is a wonderfully emotionally intelligent quality to have.
Whilst we are different in some ways we are very much the same in others. We all need to eat, sleep, love and be loved, earn a living, have a sense of purpose, have goals and dreams.
Do you look for your biases? If you recognise them do you wish to grow and set them free and find a new way of being? Or do you accept yourself with them? Do you question where they come from?
How do your beliefs sabotage your professional and personal relationships? Do you long to be accepted for your beliefs but refuse to accept others for theirs? We don’t all have to believe the same things. However, I do encourage us to respect each other for our different beliefs.
Do you have the skills and tools to be able to hold the truth of your feelings without projecting that onto others? Do you give yourself permission to feel your feelings, sit with them and then let them go like waves up and over you? Do you acknowledge and allow yourself to feel all your feelings without shaming yourself?
Do you offer yourself the gift to analyse how you behaviour as a response or reaction to others? Do you allow yourself to make mistakes, learn from them, apologise if you have hurt someone else and yourself and then ensure you don’t make the same mistake.
What to avoid:
Do you have a way that you like to handle conflict?
Use clearing women within structure
Did you know your organisation has a legal obligation to ensure everyone at the office gets sensitivity training and is offered the opportunity to be able to raise a concern of harassment without further harassment and that so thing constructive with be done to stop the harassment and to encourage a safe environment?
Do you know what your company’s policy and strategy for dealing with complaints are? If so, does this strategy make it easier for you to bring an issue to management’s attention? If management is the culprit is there another person you could speak to help you?
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