
Most of us can recall a moment when something profound someone said to us dropped inside us and changed everything. Like a pebble skimming the surface of a lake before sinking to the bottom. It is possible that it wasn’t even something completely original, or a groundbreaking revelation at the time. But because it came at exactly that moment when you were looking for the answer, it shifted your perspective just enough for all the moving parts of your plan to suddenly form a cohesive whole.

If you have never experienced this feeling, or if you have been feeling unsure about the direction your life is taking, you are not alone.


Being unsure of where you’re headed is not unusual

There are many possible reasons why you could be in doubt about the direction you are heading in. And, when you find yourself in a leadership position or at the top of your industry, being unsure is perceived as a weakness. It is possible that a moment of hesitation on your part has already influenced your team or impacted your bottom line.

Where do you go from here? Where do you start looking for the answers?

Turn your weakness into a unique strength

Leigh Joy presents talks that are specifically aimed at guiding those who find themselves on the precipice of greatness. Whether it be uncertainty about a crucial step towards the pinnacle of your professional achievements, moving past a significant loss, or dealing with personal suffering that keeps you up at night, these talks will leave you feeling empowered. If you are willing to take an honest look at your past, while approaching your failures with a learning mindset, Leigh will equip you with the tools you need to turn your perceived weaknesses into your greatest assets.

It is lonely at the top. True friends, trustworthy confidants, and effective sounding boards are few. Here is an opportunity for you to achieve complete self-mastery. Apply these techniques and make your brilliance bulletproof.

Browse my articles on Leadership.