A fearless leader’s guide to self-leadership
By fearlessly tackling taboo subjects, Leigh Joy aims to lift the stigma around issues that affect us all and help individuals achieve their fullest potential.
By fearlessly tackling taboo subjects, Leigh Joy aims to lift the stigma around issues that affect us all and help individuals achieve their fullest potential.
“Be homegrown, not manufactured, be handmade, not mass-produced, seek out the complexity in simple things, because that is where you will find your authenticity.” – G Boston
If we consider leadership from a collaborative perspective I feel we can agree that teamwork makes the dream work. Leadership styles that honour the individual and the team are fast becoming styles that resonate at a deep level.
Intuition according to the urban dictionary is: The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
In her new book, Daring Greatly, Brené Brown describes vulnerability as “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.”
Each experience that requires our courage requires the courage we used in the last experience to build on the new one. Bigger situations require greater courage.
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