Porn Addiction in the 21st Century

Pornographic material (otherwise known as porn) is widely available to who has access to the internet. While technology has had incredible breakthroughs in medicine and science; porn addiction has become one of the adverse side effects of the technology age.
Porn can rewire the brain and create neural pathways. Reference.MD defines neural pathways as the neural tracts connecting one part of the nervous system with another. In layman’s terms, porn creates neural pathways in the brain whereby the viewer is sexually stimulated “turned on” by the use of porn. Face-to-face, skin-to-skin contact with another human being isn’t as arousing as porn. Thus the brain has been rewired to respond to pornographic images.

97 Billion dollar global business

According to research Porn is a 97 Billion dollar global business.  50 – 75% of men and women view porn online. Sunday is the biggest viewing day for porn users.  Out of 4.6 billion websites worldwide, 25% of them are porn sites.

When sex addicts contact me because their relationship to sex has become unmanageable and they are powerless in trying to stop watching porn, I do an assessment which usually takes between 60 – 90 minutes.  Once we have completed the questionnaire, I have an indication where on the spectrum of sex addiction the addict lies.  If they are chronic users, I will refer them to in-patient treatment for rehabilitation.  If they are in the mid to low range of sex addiction I usually see my clients online or face to face once a week to start a journey of recovery.

Create new neural pathways and a healthy relationship to sex

According to the grandfather of sex addiction recovery Patrick Carnes, sex addiction recovery can take between 3 – 5 years. One to one and group therapy are an excellent mix to halt the sexual acting out and to create new neural pathways and thus a new, healthy relationship to sex. Due to neuroplasticity and therapy over this period the brain can learn new healthy ways to engage in loving sexual encounters.

The primary drive for a sex addict is to feel connected, wanted and seen. Sexual acting out gives the false perception of connection. The sex addict longs to fill the hole in their soul with sex.

In the UK 20% of teenagers between the ages of 12 -13 are porn addicted.  Porn stars determine many teenagers sexual identity.  Body image and sexual performance are gauged and compared to porn stars.  Teenagers are trying to mirror and copy this behaviour, which is increasing the rate of body dysmorphia, eating disorders and depression as they never feel like they measure up to the porn stars.

I speak at schools and universities about sex, authentic communication and courageous emotional connection to create lasting, fulfilling relationships.

Please feel free to contact me on or ‭(079) 525-8991‬ or click the button below to book a session. 

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